AI-Powered Gate OCR

Effortlessly Automate Your Access Processes with Real-Time Video Analysis

With our cutting-edge Gate OCR solution, you can effortlessly automate all your access processes. Our technology stands out by using artificial intelligence to analyze real-time video images instead of traditional photos. This innovation makes our system lightning-fast, highly accurate, scalable, and more cost-effective than conventional Gate OCR systems. Experience unparalleled efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings with our state-of-the-art solution.

automate your gate processes with AI-based Gate OCR

What makes our solution unique is that we use artificial intelligence to analyze real-time video images instead of traditional photos. This makes our technology lightning fast, highly accurate, scalable, and cheaper than traditional Gate OCR systems.

Enhance your terminal operations with our AI-based Gate OCR. Leveraging real-time video analysis from IP cameras, our solution offers unmatched speed, precision, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. By automating gate processes, you can increase throughput, improve control accuracy, and significantly reduce labor costs. Our advanced algorithm quickly recognizes and processes all video content, ensuring seamless automation and optimal performance, making your terminal more efficient and reliable than ever before.

Think of basic information such as:

  • Container numbers
  • ISO codes
  • GEVI UN numbers
  • ADR label detection and classification
  • GEVI and ADR matching system
  • Trailer license plate numbers
  • Truck license plate numbers

Not only that but also:

  • Damage detection
  • Door direction
  • Seal detection
  • Cooling unit reefer
  • Position on the truck
  • Sealing cord present
  • Want to know more?


unmatched quality and reliability

The Gate OCR solution we have developed is incredibly accurate. This is because our Gate OCR technology works with video images. By using video instead of photos, the algorithm has thousands of individual frames of an object to draw conclusions from. This means that the quality and reliability of the data collected with our technology is unmatched by traditional Gate OCR systems.


traditional Gate OCR

Traditional Gate OCR uses line scan cameras that take various photos at one height. These photos are then stitched together into one image and scanned based on a pre-defined set of letters and characters. Traditional Gate OCR systems can therefore have trouble reading information that is not placed in a standard location or if the photo is unclear due to weather conditions or lighting. That is why traditional OCR systems still depend on human controls to correct errors and ensure accuracy. Despite the fact that technologies are becoming more advanced, hardware remains a significant investment.

Artificial intelligence is also used today to analyze the photos taken with line scan cameras. However, this still does not come close to the speed and accuracy of our technology.

our technology

Our Gate OCR technology uses IP cameras with Artificial Intelligence, making it possible to read information from real-time video.

Our solution uses algorithms to analyze and understand the videos in a way that is closer to human intelligence. The algorithm learns and can adapt to become more accurate as it processes more information. Our Gate OCR solution is therefore very flexible and can handle different situations; think of different vehicles, characters, languages, and layouts, as well as busy backgrounds or bad weather. Because our Gate OCR technology is based on software, the investment is also much lower!


The benefits of our Gate OCR solution

  • Cost- effective: software instead of hardware

  • Fast: video instead of photo

  • Minimal error chance: hundreds of photos instead of one photo

  • User-friendly

  • Modular and widely scalable

  • Self-trainable


train the algorithm via the platform

Part of our Gate OCR solution is an online platform. Here, all collected images and data are stored, and you can train the algorithm. For example, if the algorithm did not recognize something correctly, you can correct it in the platform. By doing so, you train the algorithm to understand it correctly next time. This way, the quality of your Gate OCR solution keeps improving. Nice, isn’t it?

The platform can be fully customized to meet your needs. You can, for example, make it communicate with systems such as GOS or any TOS/TMS that you use in your terminal to make processes even more efficient. If damage is reported to a container, simply enter the container number and immediately get the correct video images and photos!

Our Gate OCR platform is also available for mobile devices and works on various operating systems.

GOS functionality

Supplai also offers GOS functionality to manage processes, such as controlling barriers and traffic lights. Because our technology is so fast and accurate, fewer GOS functionalities are needed, such as sensors. Our algorithms also run locally at the terminal, which means we don’t need to send data to external servers to process it. This makes our solution faster and safer.

Of course, where necessary, we can offer a complete solution for GOS functionality, including kiosks and barriers. Moreover, we comply with all required security standards to ensure that our customers’ data is safe and protected. Want to know more? Contact us!

fully mobile portal

Many terminals are under development and excavation work can be costly. That’s why we’ve innovated by creating a fully mobile portal. We achieve this by casting the portal in a block of concrete, making it easily movable. The portal we installed at Broekman Logistics, for example, is 18 meters long and only weighs 300 kg. It’s ideal if you anticipate changes to your terminal but still want to automate!

Broekman Logistics

Rob van Dijk, Director of Operations at Broekman Logistics, is enthusiastic about the system’s implementation. “The deployment of supplai’s AI-based Gate OCR system is a significant milestone for our terminal. We see this moment as an important step in the digitization of our logistics processes within Broekman Logistics.”

R.B.C. Container Terminal

“To ensure the correct containers are issued, smart cameras with Artificial Intelligence software from supplai are used. These smart cameras are located at the entrance and exit of the terminal, as well as on the reach stackers.”


start your own digital revolution!

Ready to get going and revolutionize your business processes with our algorithms?