The conditions of this disclaimer apply to the internet site of supplai in Ridderkerk, the Netherlands. You are requested to read this disclaimer carefully. By accessing this internet site and using information provided on or via this internet site, you agree to this disclaimer. In the event of any conflict between the terms of specific products and services and this disclaimer, the terms of those products and services shall prevail.
Use of this website
The information provided on or via this website may not be used instead of advice. Decisions based on this information are at your own expense and risk. Although supplai tries to provide correct, complete and current information from sources deemed reliable, supplai does not explicitly or implicitly provide any guarantee that the information offered on or via this internet site is correct, complete or current. Use of this internet site that can hinder the use of other internet users, endanger the functioning of this internet site and/or affect the information or underlying software offered on or via this internet site, is not permitted.
Third party information, products and services
When supplai offers hyperlinks to internet sites of third parties, this does not mean that supplai recommends the products or services offered on or via these internet sites. The use of such hyperlinks is entirely at your own risk. supplai does not accept any liability for the content, use or availability of such internet sites. The truthfulness, correctness, reasonableness, reliability and completeness of information on such internet sites has not been verified by supplai.
Intellectual property rights
supplai (or the entitled party) retains all intellectual property rights with regard to all information offered on or via this website, including all texts, graphic material and logos. It is not permitted to copy, download or in any way publish, distribute or multiply information on this internet site without the prior written permission of supplai or the prior written permission of the rightful claimant. You may print and/or download information on this internet site for your own personal use.
Applicable law
Dutch law applies to this website and the disclaimer. All disputes arising from or in connection with this disclaimer will be submitted exclusively to the competent court in the Netherlands. If other-language versions of the disclaimer show discrepancies or lead to differences of interpretation, the version in the Dutch language is decisive.
Exclusion of liability
supplai does not accept any liability with regard to direct, indirect, special, incidental, intangible or consequential damages (including lost profits), regardless of whether supplai has been advised of the possibility of such damages, arising in any way from, but not limited to be liable to (i) defects, viruses or other imperfections in equipment and other software in connection with access to or use of this internet site, (ii) information provided on or via this internet site, (iii) interception, alteration or improper use of information sent to supplai or you, (iv) the operation or unavailability of this internet site, (v) misuse of this internet site, (vi) loss of data, (vii) downloading or using of software made available through this Internet site or (viii) claims of third parties in connection with the use of this Internet site. The exclusion of liability also benefits directors, employees of supplai and the legal entities affiliated with supplai.
supplai reserves the right to change the information provided on or via this internet site, including the text of this disclaimer, at any time without further notice. It is recommended that you periodically check whether the information provided on or via this website, including the text of this disclaimer, has changed.

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