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Supplai announces new partnership with HPS Industrial to provide AI-based smart gate OCR solutions
supplai and HPS Industrial partner to accelerate and enhance gate entry processes.

Supplai receives the MIT AI R&D subsidy for our project – Real-Time Video Analytics on Drones
Met trots kunnen we melden dat we de MIT AI R&D-subsidie hebben gekregen voor ons project ‘Realtime Video Analytics op Drones’.

Supplai receives the MIT AI R&D subsidy for our project – Real-Time Video Analytics on Drones
Ridderkerk, South-Holland, June 08 2022 – We are proud to announce that we have been granted the MIT AI R&D subsidy for our project ‘Real-time Video

Supplai and HPS to provide smart gate OCR solutions
Supplai and HPS Industrial partner to accelerate and enhance gate entry processes. This partnership originated via a joint client, KMI. Due to our

Want to automate your logistic document flow?
HelloContainer saves up to 25% administration time with supplai ’s unique algorithm that processes logistics status messages.

How ProRail uses AI Based Rail OCR from supplai
Due to AI-based Rail OCR, ProRail makes smarter investments and manages the railway network more efficiently.

WhyWaarom Advario AI based Rail OCR uses supplai
Advario is a leading global player in the storage industry, with a focused strategy for growth in chemicals, gases, and new energies.

Broekman Logistics uses Gate OCR solution from supplai
Cost savings and automation at the terminal: Broekman Logistics aims for efficiency and employs supplai's AI-based Gate OCR system